The Sterintech™ Batch Control Helix Test with PTFE Helix with a 1,5 mtr long tube can be used to test the performance of the steam sterilizer during each cycle.
In general Helix devices and their indicators have proven that they can detect failures during each cycle much earlier and better than other chemical indicators / biological indicators.
Also failures which are not detected by other indicators ranging from leakages, bad steam conditions, non-condensable gases, time and temperature issues are detected. The BCHT forms a simple and economical aid to release your load securely.
Conform to ISO 11140 - 1:2014 Type 2
Clear transition of color into pink
Easy to interpret
Easy to document
Non-Toxic / Lead Free
Can be fully recycled
PCD guaranteed to 500 cycles (134°C - 3,5 min)